Claims Journal API v1 Documentation

The Claims Journal v1 API is a publicly available interface allowing developers access to the rich Claims Journal dataset. The interface is stable and currently used by the Claims Journal mobile applications.


All calls to the Claims Journal API require an api_token defining the application making the call. This can be passed as a query parameter, form parameter or bearer token. To request access, please email

Rate Limiting

Claims Journal API usage is limited on a per-application basis using a 1-minute request limit. The default rate limit allows 60 requests every 1 minute.


Claims Journal API utilizes the JSON API specification.

Client Responsibilities

For simplicity, the Claims Journal API requires the following two headers to be included in all requests:

  • Accept: application/json
  • Content-Type: application/json


Claims Journal API defaults to sorting by id in ascending order.


Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 20 items by default. The page parameter can be used to specify further pages or offsets. The count parameter may be used for custom page sizes up to 100.


Dates and times follow the ISO 8601 standard. A few examples:

  • 2015-08-23T15:46:20Z
  • 2018-06-24T09:54:13-07:00


The client query parameter allows the API to format content correctly for your client. A few examples:

  • amp